Yoga & Explore

Relax – Refocus – Replenish Join our journey into an exotic country including a relaxing Yoga Retreat. Get to know the traditional yoga in its country of origin, explore a beautiful and rich culture and enjoy time just for you. Do something good for yourself and your health and don’t …

Yoga & Explore 2019

21.12.19 – 02.01.20, India You are sitting with closed eyes, enjoying the cold air. You are concentrating on your breath and you are feeling, how the sun’s rays slowly warm your face. You are blinking with your eyes and recognizing the outline of a large building. You can feel how …

Traditional Mala placed on Indian scarf

Learn the traditional meaning of Yoga

Today, Yoga can be found everywhere. In the modern world, it has become a symbol of a healthy and flexible body. But Yoga is more than bending your body, standing on your head or doing any kind of complex asana. In the traditional meaning of Yoga, it is a subject of realization. It’s a way to live life. Read more about the true and traditional meaning of Yoga here.

Mahesh Kothari

Mahesh Kothari was born in Tehri Garhwal, the place that holds a special spiritual significance in the state of Uttarakhand. After the completion of his primary education, he shifted to Rishikesh to study Vedic Literature and Philosophy from the Uttarakhand Sanskrit University and spent his time in an Ashram learning Vedas and …