In Yoga, we have many different rules to follow. If we are aware of them and follow them, we can continuously increase our health.
Balance your mind
The regular practice of Yoga helps us to focus. In our daily life, we are often too distracted from ourselves. Yoga gives us the key for balancing our mind.
Reduce stress
The regular practice of Yoga helps us to reduce stress. The body gets relaxed through the practice of asanas, while the mind gets relaxation during meditation.
Focus on yourself
The regular practice of Yoga is supporting us in focusing on ourselves. Through the practice of Meditation and Yogasana, we’re getting to know the signs of our body and mind and so we can react according to them.
Discover a whole lifestyle
Yoga is more than doing asanas. It’s a whole lifestyle including physical and mental practices. It’s about the right way to do exercise, breathing, eating, focusing and about following certain values and ethical rules.
Get more strength & flexibility
The regular practice of Yogasana helps us to increase the strength and flexibility in our body.
Meditation is a word that is used very often in the context of Yoga, but very rarely it is used in its original meaning. The practice we are describing with meditation is most of the time the 6th limb of Yoga called “dharna”. It’s the attempt to concentrate and to …
Yoga is part of the traditional Indian Vedic Philosophy while Ayurveda is the Vedic system for healing purposes. In this way, both are related in a very strong way. If we are including Ayurvedic aspects in our Yogic life, we are adding a medical and nourishment system which can give …
Pranayama consists of two words from Sanskrit: prana and ayama. Prana is the vital force that we all have inside of us. It’s our life energy – without that we can’t live. According to medical science, we are inhaling oxygen as the necessary source for being and staying alive. Obviously, …
Regarding our traditional language Sanskrit, an asana is any position of the body, where we are stable and comfortable. In Yoga, we refer to the traditional, ancient meaning of comfortable, which is “effortless”. So for us, an asana is a position in which our body feels stable without making any …